Cause an enemy to Bleed for 1200% weapon damage as Physical over 9 seconds. If the enemy dies while bleeding, it explodes and deals 2770% weapon damage as Physical damage to all nearby enemies.
Unlocked at level 13
Strong Spirit
If the enemy explodes after bleeding, gain 15 Spirit for each enemy caught in the blast.
Have an Epiphany, increasing your Spirit Regeneration per Second by 20 and enabling your melee attacks to instantly dash to your target for 15 seconds.
Unlocked at level 61
Increases the bonus Spirit regeneration from Epiphany to 45.
Increases your static elemental damage bonuses by 5.00% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
Unlocked at level 20
Powered Shield
Reduces damage by 6% from ranged attacks, increases Armor by 3% and slows melee attackers by 60% for 3.00 seconds for you and the Enchantress based on her Intelligence.
Unlocked at level 25
Powered Shield
Focused Mind
A 40 yard aura that increases attack speed for you and the Enchantress by 3.00% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.