Target an area exploding up to 5 corpses within 11 yards dealing 1050% weapon damage as Physical to enemies within 20 yards.
Level | Skill Rune |
12 |
Bloody MessExplosion radius is increased to 25 yards. |
28 |
Close QuartersNow explodes up to 5 corpses close to you, dealing 1575% weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 20 yards. |
33 |
ShrapnelCorpses now explode away from you, hitting all targets in a cone. Corpse Explosion's damage turns into Poison. |
40 |
Dead ColdFreeze all enemies caught in the explosion for 2 seconds. Corpse Explosion's damage turns into Cold. |
54 |
Final EmbraceCorpses pull themselves towards the nearest enemy before exploding, but Corpse Explosion now costs 2% life per corpse. |