Call forth a swarm of fiery bats to burn enemies in front of you for 475% weapon damage as Fire.
Unlocked at level 5
Cloud of Bats
Call forth a swirl of bats that damage nearby enemies for 425% weapon damage as Fire. The damage of the bats increases every second, up to a maximum of 850% weapon damage after 3 seconds.
The Enchantress casts a guided orb that deals 150% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 15 yards and slows them by 80% for 3.00 seconds based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
Unlocked at level 15
Temporal Pulse
Increases your static elemental damage bonuses by 5.00% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
Unlocked at level 20
Powered Shield
Reduces damage by 6% from ranged attacks, increases Armor by 3% and slows melee attackers by 60% for 3.00 seconds for you and the Enchantress based on her Intelligence.
Unlocked at level 25
Powered Shield
Focused Mind
A 40 yard aura that increases attack speed for you and the Enchantress by 3.00% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.