70 male
70 female
1 female - Seasonal Hero
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.
Launch a missile of magic energy, dealing 230% weapon damage as Arcane.
Unlocked at level 1
Release a medium range pulse of 3 unpredictable charges of electricity that deal 194% weapon damage as Lightning.
Unlocked at level 3
Lightning arcs from your fingertips, dealing 69% weapon damage as Lightning. The lightning can jump, hitting up to 2 additional enemies.
Unlocked at level 15
Create streaks of lightning that pierce through enemies for 140% weapon damage as Lightning.
Unlocked at level 36
Cost: 30 Arcane Power
Hurl an orb of pure energy that explodes on contact, dealing 435% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 15 yards.
Unlocked at level 5
Create an orb of frozen death that shreds an area with ice bolts, dealing 950% weapon damage as Cold.
Unlocked at level 55
Cost: 16 Arcane Power
Hurl a barrage of arcane projectiles that deal 400% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies near the impact location.
Arcane Torrent damage is increased by 305% weapon damage every second, up to a maximum total of 1010% weapon damage as Arcane.
Unlocked at level 12
Each missile explodes into 2 piercing bolts of electricity that each deal 150% weapon damage as Lightning.
Unlocked at level 49
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Summon a Familiar that attacks your enemies for 240% weapon damage as Arcane. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies. Lasts 10 minutes.
Unlocked at level 22
Last updated on Jan 19, 2025 2:02 AM PST