Level 1
Starting Recipes
Flawless Amethyst
Level 2
Flawless Diamond
Level 3
Flawless Emerald
Flawless Ruby
Flawless Topaz
Level 4
Square Amethyst
Master Ring
Level 5
(Grand Master)
Square Diamond
Grand Master Ring
Level 6
Square Emerald
Square Topaz
Square Ruby
Illustrious Ring
Illustrious Amulet
Level 7
Flawless Square Diamond
Flawless Square Amethyst
Magnificent Ring
Magnificent Amulet
Resplendent Ring
Level 8
Flawless Square Emerald
Flawless Square Ruby
Flawless Square Topaz
Resplendent Amulet
Level 9
Star Amethyst
Star Diamond
Glorious Ring
Glorious Amulet
Level 10
Star Ruby
Star Emerald
Star Topaz
Exalted Amulet
Exalted Ring
Taught by Designs
Hellfire Ring of Dexterity
Hellfire Ring of Vitality
Hellfire Ring of Intelligence
Hellfire Ring of Strength
Level 11
Marquise Ruby
Imperial Topaz
Imperial Ruby
Flawless Imperial Emerald
Imperial Amethyst
Flawless Imperial Amethyst
Marquise Amethyst
Marquise Emerald
Flawless Imperial Topaz
Flawless Imperial Diamond
Imperial Diamond
Flawless Imperial Ruby
Marquise Topaz
Marquise Diamond
Imperial Emerald
Exquisite Amulet
Exquisite Ring
Level 12
Sovereign Amulet
Sovereign Ring
Taught by Designs
Flawless Royal Topaz
Royal Topaz
Flawless Royal Emerald
Flawless Royal Amethyst
Royal Amethyst
Flawless Royal Ruby
Royal Ruby
Royal Diamond
Hellfire Ring
Royal Emerald
Flawless Royal Diamond
Hellfire Amulet of Dexterity
Hellfire Amulet of Strength
Hellfire Amulet of Intelligence
1. Apprentice
2. Journeyman
3. Adept
4. Master
5. Grand Master
6. Illustrious
7. Magnificent
8. Resplendent
9. Glorious
10. Exalted
11. Exquisite
12. Sovereign
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Diablo III
Game Guide